1968 - , Ph.D.; UC Berkeley. Visiting Assistant Professor of Political Studies; Human Rights and Philosophy at Bard College since 2005. He is the academic director of the Hannah Arendt Center for Politics and Humanities.

1965 - , niederländ. Soziologe; Doctor of Philosophy; Utrecht University; music educator

Wirkungsdaten ca. 2016-, interdisciplinary researcher and has published on topics across philosophy; music; sound studies; and art theory ; postdoctoral research assistant on the project "The Future of Indeterminacy: Datification; Memory; Bio-Politics". (2021)

Wirkungsdaten 1968-, Prof. of Philosophy

1939 - , Professor; Dep. of Philosophy at Brigham Young Univ.; USA

1933 - , degree in philosophy; author; television film director

Wirkungsdaten 2011, Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Information Management; Director of Machine Learning Team of KKBOX

1965 - , Lecturer of philosophy at the University of Tasmania; Australia

Wirkungsdaten 2011-, Faculty of Arts and Philosophy

1931 - , Erwarb seinen Doktor der Philosophy an dre Universität von Delaware; unterrichtete an der National University Mexico
