- Georgia State University 1
- Ph.D. Candidate 1
- Santa Cruz. Schreibt Dissertation über das Ford Foundation’s 80 Millionen Dollar-Programm für Sinfonieorchester in den 1960ern und 70ern. 1
- Sweden. Research interests: Constructions of self and other within and through historical and locational contexts. Her dissertation explores Hip-hop culture in-between Chile and Sweden. 1
- Teaching and Learning - Music Education 1
- Texas(2016) 1
- candidate for Ph.D. in the department of History and Philosophy of Religion 1
- BA Komposition und Dirigieren Escola de Música e Belas Artes do Paraná (2003). - MA Musik Universidade Federal do Paraná (2008).- Ph.D. candidate in Church Music at Baylor University 1
- Member of the faculty of General Education at Harvard 1
- Part Time Instructor at Georgia State University 1
keine Angaben zu Lebensdaten, Ph.D. candidate in Critical and Comparative Studies in Music (University of Virginia)
Wirkungsdaten 1962, Member of the faculty of General Education at Harvard; candidate for Ph.D. in the department of History and Philosophy of Religion
Wirkungsdaten 2004-, Ph.D. candidate in History at Malmö University; Sweden. Research interests: Constructions of self and other within and through historical and locational contexts. Her dissertation explores Hip-hop culture in-between Chile and Sweden.
keine Angaben zu Lebensdaten, Part Time Instructor at Georgia State University; Ph.D. Candidate; Teaching and Learning - Music Education; Georgia State University
Wirkungsdaten 2017-, Ph.D. candidate in cultural musicology an der University of California; Santa Cruz. Schreibt Dissertation über das Ford Foundation’s 80 Millionen Dollar-Programm für Sinfonieorchester in den 1960ern und 70ern.
Wirkungsdaten ca. 21. Jh., BA Komposition und Dirigieren Escola de Música e Belas Artes do Paraná (2003). - MA Musik Universidade Federal do Paraná (2008).- Ph.D. candidate in Church Music at Baylor University; Texas(2016)