1946 - , Lehrt am Fernand Brandel Centre for the Study of Economics; Historical Systems; and Civilizations; State Univ. of New York at Binghamton (1995); Ind. Historikerin

1949 - , Prof. of History; director of the Institute of French studies at New York Univ.

1900 - , New York; Columbia Univ.; Diss.; 1932

1845 - 1912, 1885: Patholge; New York Polyclinic School of Medicine; 1888: Director of the Patho-Biological Laboratory of the State Univ. of Nebraska

1926 - 2008, Prof. Emerita der City Univ. New York

1955 - , He is the television critic for the New York Sun and teaches at the Columbia Univ. Graduate School of Journalism

1916 - , State Univ. of New York College; Brockport (1986)

Wirkungsdaten 1996-, Literaturwissenschaftlerin; Ph.D. in Comparative Literature from Columbia Univ.; Verf. von "The mestizo as crucible"; New York; Washington; Baltimore u.a. 1996

Wirkungsdaten 1959-, Prof. of journalism; New York Univ. (1988)

keine Angaben zu Lebensdaten, 2015 beschäftigt am Music and Audio Research Lab (MARL); New York Univ.; USA
