1914 - 2001, Rose Feitelson died on March 1; 2001; at the age of 86; at her home in New York City. Born and raised in New York with a younger brother; she was the daughter of a Jewish family of Russian descent. After a college education (M.A.); she worked at the Jewish Theological Seminary in New York and at the American Jewish Committee

1926 - 2012, Germanist; Forschungen zur sog. Rokoko-Literatur und Anakreontik; Prof. für Deutsche Literatur am City College in New York (196Xff); Herausg. div. RUB-Bändchen

1899 - 1962, Amerikan. Psychiater; geboren in Kolomea (Galizien; heute Ukraine); Studium und erste Praxis in Österreich; emigrierte 1938 über Frankreich in die USA; US-Staatsbürger 1943; gestorben in New York City

1926 - 2008, Prof. Emerita der City Univ. New York

1875 - 1931, Rechtsanwalt in New York City; Staatssekretär im US-Außenministerium

1864 - , Amerikan. Jurist; Rechtsanwalt in New York City; Reparationsexperte

Wirkungsdaten 2012-, Associate Professor at the City University of New York (Queensborough). Her major research interests are Holocaust and Genocide Studies as well as Nationalism and Historical Geography

Wirkungsdaten ca. 20./21.Jh., Interdisciplinary scholar and artist. He received his PhD in theatre and a certificate in film studies from the Graduate Center of the City University of New York.

1928 - 1985, Prof. of History at the Graduate Center; City Univ. of New York (1987)

1948 - , Ph.D. in historische Musikwissenschaft an der City Univ. of New York
