Erweiterte Suche


  • Gori, Francesca

    1952 - , President of Memorial Italia; former Head of Eastern Europe Countries Section at Feltrinelli Foundation; Milan

  • Milan I., Serbien, König

    1854 - 1901, 1868/1872-1882 als Milan Obrenović IV. Fürst und 1882-1889 als Milan I. König von Serbien; 1889 Abdankung zugunsten seines Sohnes Alexander; 1897 Oberbefehlshaber der serbischen Armee

  • Scarpellini, Emanuela

    1958 - , Professor of Modern History at the University of Milan; Italy. Visiting Professor at Stanford University and Georgetown University; USA

  • Valota, Bianca

    1946 - , full professor of History of Eastern Europe at the Univ. of Milan; and Secretary General of the Commsission Internationale des Ètudes Historiques Slaves
