- 1993-1995: European Union fellow (Human Capital and Mobility Programme) at the European Institute 1
- Brit. Politikwissenschaftler 1
- Fac. of Law 1
- Hochschullehrerin 1
- International and Comparative Law 1
- London School of Economics and Political Science 1
- London School of Economics and Political Science (1985) 1
- Professor in the Department of Political Science 1
- Spain 1
- Tätig an der Univ. Amsterdam 1
1965 - , Lehrt an der London School of Economics and Political Science; Hochschullehrerin
1919 - 1985, Emeritus Professor of Economics; London School of Economics and Political Science (1985)
1940 - , Am Internat. Relations Dept. der London School of Economics and Political Science. Schwerpunkt: Friedensforschung; gewaltfreie Aktion; Brit. Politikwissenschaftler
keine Angaben zu Lebensdaten, Hugh Roberts is a Senior Research Fellow of the Development Studies Institute at the London School of Economics and Political Science. He is the Secretary of the Society for Algerian Studies and a member of the editorial board of the Journal of North African Studies. He lives in London and Cairo.
Wirkungsdaten 1997-, PhD in Political Science from the Autonomous University of Madrid; 1993-1995: European Union fellow (Human Capital and Mobility Programme) at the European Institute; London School of Economics and Political Science; Professor in the Department of Political Science; University of Burgos; Spain
1946 - , Tätig in dem Dep. of European; International and Comparative Law; Fac. of Law; Univ. of Vienna; Tätig in der London School of Economics and Political Science; Tätig an der Univ. Amsterdam