1923 - 2002, Food scientist and nutritionist; Verf. von "The food industries of British India"; UN Univ. Programme; Cen. Food Tech. Res. Inst.

1939 - , Swaminathan S. Anklesaria Aiyar (born 12 October 1939) is an Indian journalist and columnist. He is consulting editor for the Economic Times and writes regularly for the Economic Times and The Times of India. He is also a Research Fellow at the Cato Institute. He is the elder brother of Mani Shankar Aiyar; who is a senior Congress leader.

1944 - , Overseas Development Inst.; London; Institute of Development Studies; Univ. of Sussex ; Agricultural Development Council in India

1899 - 1991, Gründer; Communist Party of India und All India Trade Union Congress; Ind. marxist. Politiker und Gewerkschaftler

1940 - , Director; Center for Ethnomusicology; Chennai; India

1928 - , Ind. Diplomat; Ministry of External Affairs; Gov. of India

Wirkungsdaten [7. Jh.], Bischof; Ad monachos in India

1734 - 1795, Geschäftsmann, korrupter Beamter der British East India Company

1884 - 1961, Buchumschlag: "Educated at Clifton College and Trinity College; Oxford. Career at the India Office; became Deputy Under-Secretary of State during the 2. World War. Member of the Supervisory Financial Commission at the League of Nations from 1938-1946; he has also worked for the United Nations. As well as 2 books on economic subjects; Sir Cecil has written another books on a Russian theme; "The Waggon of life"; which consists of verse translations of 19.-century Russian poetry; He is married and lives in London"

1928 - , Verf. von "Politics in India"; Ind. Politologe; National Inst. of Community Development

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