keine Angaben zu Lebensdaten, University of Pretoria; DMus in Choral Performance at the University of Pretoria; Post Graduate Certificate in Higher Education (PGCE) from UNISA

Wirkungsdaten 2018, Forschungsinteressen: transformative learning; reflective teaching practice and learning theories; and their relevance and application to higher music education; Griffith University; Queensland Conservatorium

Wirkungsdaten 2016-, University of Sydney; Sydney. Schwerpunkte: Vocational Education; Teacher Education; Higher Education

1963 - , Arbeitet am Avondale College of Higher Education; Australia

keine Angaben zu Lebensdaten, Director of the Regional Institute of Higher Education and Development; Singapore (1984); Dep. of Sociology; National Univ. of Singapore

1952 - , Head of the Dept. of Historical and Political Studies at LSU College of Higher Education; Southampton; he studied and later taught modern history and politics at the Univ. of Kent; also taught in secondary and primary schools; as well as at the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst; Brit. Historiker u. Politologe
