1939 - , Swaminathan S. Anklesaria Aiyar (born 12 October 1939) is an Indian journalist and columnist. He is consulting editor for the Economic Times and writes regularly for the Economic Times and The Times of India. He is also a Research Fellow at the Cato Institute. He is the elder brother of Mani Shankar Aiyar; who is a senior Congress leader.
1945 - , German Inst. for Economic Research; Berlin (1986); Diss. FU Berlin
1960 - , Dipl.-Kfm.; Dr. rer. pol.; (1987); Credit Suisse; Economic Research; Zürich (2000)
1933 - , Visveswaraya Inst. of Social Economic Research; Bombay; Ind. Wirtschaftswiss.
1942 - , Tätig am Japan Center for Economic Research
1935 - , Prof.; Documentation Centre for Japanese Economic Statistics; Institute of Economic Research; Hitotsubashi Univ. Kunitachi; Tokyo (1986)
keine Angaben zu Lebensdaten, Economic Research Services; Inc.; Tallahassee; Dep. of Economics; Ohio State Univ. (1997); Univ. of Chicago; IL (1997)
1955 - , PhD in Economics; Columbia Universität; New York. Von 1989 bis 2010 tätig bei der World Bank (v.a. in Washington; DC); seit 2011 Director-General von National Council of Applied Economic Research; New Delhi
1952 - , Economic History Dept.; Research School of Social Sciences; Australian National Univ. (1989); Dep. of Immigration and Cultural Affairs; Canberra (1997)