Erweiterte Suche


  • Campbell, Alan

    1949 - , Dep. of Economic and Social History; Univ. of Liverpool (1996)

  • Dijkman, Jessica

    1960 - , Ph.D. in History; Utrecht Univ.; 2010; tätig an der Utrecht Univ.; Dep. of Economic and Social History

  • Frenkel, Jacob A.

    Wirkungsdaten 1973-, Vice-Chairman; American International Group (AIG); Amerikan. Finanzwissenschaftler; David Rockefeller prof.; Univ. of Chicago; Dep. of Economics; Economic counsellor and dir. of Research; Internat. Monetary Fund; Washington; DC; NBER; USA; tätig an Bank of Israel; Jerusalem; Israel

  • Groot, Hans de

    keine Angaben zu Lebensdaten, Social and Cultural Planning Office (1987); Economic Dep.; Erasmus Univ. Rotterdam (1987); Inst. for Research on Public Expenditure; The Hague (1991); Prof. Dr.; Inst. voor Onderzoek van Overheidsuitga ; Katholieke Univ. Brabant (1996); Algemene Rekenkamer (1998)

  • I, Chang Su

    keine Angaben zu Lebensdaten, Tätig am Dep. of International Studies; Kyung Hee Univ.; Yongin; Korea; Tätig an der Univ. of Southern California; Tätig am Korea Insurance Development Inst.; Seoul; Siuth Korea; Tätig am Korea Inst. for Internat. Economic Policy

  • Krantz, Olle

    1939 - , Tätig am Dep. of Economic History; Lund Univ.; Sweden; Tätig an der Umeå Univ.

  • Mullin, Charles J.

    keine Angaben zu Lebensdaten, Economic Research Services; Inc.; Tallahassee; Dep. of Economics; Ohio State Univ. (1997); Univ. of Chicago; IL (1997)

  • Swanson, Eric Valdeman

    keine Angaben zu Lebensdaten, Systems Analyst; Economic Analysis and Projections Dep.; World Bank (1985)

  • Tsokhas, Kosmas

    1952 - , Economic History Dept.; Research School of Social Sciences; Australian National Univ. (1989); Dep. of Immigration and Cultural Affairs; Canberra (1997)
