Erweiterte Suche


  • Fox, Charles

    Wirkungsdaten 1962, Member of the faculty of General Education at Harvard; candidate for Ph.D. in the department of History and Philosophy of Religion

  • Gray, James H.

    Wirkungsdaten 1888-1893, Laboratory student; Department of Natural Philosophy; University of Glasgow; 1888/89.

  • Hartland-Swann, John

    Wirkungsdaten 1958-1960, Head of the Department of Philosophy; Univ. of Malaya

  • Ingham, Mary B.

    1951 - , Professorin für Philosophie; Department of Philosophy der Loyola Marymont Univ. Los Angeles; Calif.

  • Killin, Anton

    Wirkungsdaten ca. 21. Jh., Visiting Postdoctoral Associate in the Philosophy Department at Florida International University; Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the School of Philosophy and Centre of Excellence for the Dynamics of Language at the Australian National University. (Stand 2017)

  • La Matina, Marcello

    1958 - , does research at Aglaia-Department for Greek; Latin and Musical Studies; Univ. of Palermo; lectures in philosophy and theory of languages; Univ. of Macerata; writes on semiotics; philosophy of language and Greek literature

  • Pio, Frederik

    keine Angaben zu Lebensdaten, "Associate Professor at the University of Aarhus; Department of Education; and lives in Copenhagen; he has written many books on philosophy of music education"

  • Ribaldini, Paolo

    keine Angaben zu Lebensdaten, University of Helsinki; Department of Philosophy; History; Art and Cultural Studies

  • Van Staden, Werdie

    Wirkungsdaten 2016-, Professor; Division of Philosophy and Ethics of Mental Health; Department of Psychiatry; Faculty of Health Sciences; University of Pretoria; South Africa

  • Vasiljević, Maja

    1980 - , University of Belgrade; Faculty of Philosophy; Department of History
