Erweiterte Suche


  • Araújo, Maria José

    keine Angaben zu Lebensdaten, tätig am Educational Sciences Department; College of Education; Polytechnic Institute; Porto

  • Arko-Achemfuor, Akwasi

    keine Angaben zu Lebensdaten, tätig an der University of South Africa; Department of Adult Basic Education

  • Cabedo-Mas, Alberto

    keine Angaben zu Lebensdaten, tätig am Department of Education; University Jaume I; Castellón de la Plana

  • Chadwick, Sheelagh

    keine Angaben zu Lebensdaten, tätig am Joint Department of Music Education; Brandon University; Brandon; Promotion an der University of Illinois (2008)

  • Cheung, Rebecca Y. M.

    keine Angaben zu Lebensdaten, Assistant Professor in the Department of Special Education and Counselling; Hong Kong Institute of Education; Ph.D. from University of Notre Dame

  • Choi, William

    Wirkungsdaten ca. 2016-, Assistant Professor; Department of Early Childhood Education (ECE)

  • Fox, Charles

    Wirkungsdaten 1962, Member of the faculty of General Education at Harvard; candidate for Ph.D. in the department of History and Philosophy of Religion

  • Graabræk Nielsen, Siw

    1964 - , unterrichtet an der Norwegian Academy of Music in Oslo (Music Education and Music Therapy Department)

  • Hao-Chun Lee, Angela

    keine Angaben zu Lebensdaten, tätig am Department of Early Childhood Education; TransWorld University; Touliu

  • Hein, Christopher F.

    keine Angaben zu Lebensdaten, Department Quantitative Social Science; University College London Institute of Education; UK
