1965 - , Lecturer in Chinese Culture and Society in the Department of East Asian Studies at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem

1969 - , Associate Professor of Television Studies in the Media and Culture Studies Department of Utrecht University (The Netherlands). She received her Ph.D. in Film Studies from the Freie Universität Berlin. - Wiss. Mitarb. am Seminar für Filmwiss.; FU Berlin

Wirkungsdaten ca. 20./21. Jh., tätig an der Tilburg University; Tilburg School of Humanities and Digital Sciences; Department of Culture Studies

1967 - , Professor of documentation studies im Department of Culture and Literature an der Universität Tromsø; Norwegen; Forschungsinteressen: document theory and document history; relationship between paratext and text; East German public sphere; German unification; literature of the 1990s
