Erweiterte Suche


  • Fishman, Aryei

    keine Angaben zu Lebensdaten, Dep. of Sociology and Anthropology; Bar-Ilan Univ.; Ramat-Gan; Israel (1994)

  • Jewson, Nick

    keine Angaben zu Lebensdaten, Tätig in dem Dep. of Sociology; Univ. of Leicester

  • MacGregor, David

    1943 - , Prof. in the Dep. of Sociology at King's College; Univ. of Western Ontario (1996)

  • Martin, Roderick

    keine Angaben zu Lebensdaten, Tätig an der Central European University (CEU); CEU Business School; Budapest; Ungarn; Prof. of Industrial Sociology at Imperial College; Prof.; Dep. of Management Studies; Univ. Glasgow; UK

  • Poli, Roberto

    1955 - , Ital. Soziologe; tätig im Dep. of Sociology and Social Research

  • Selvaratnam, Viswanathan

    keine Angaben zu Lebensdaten, Director of the Regional Institute of Higher Education and Development; Singapore (1984); Dep. of Sociology; National Univ. of Singapore

  • Sztompka, Piotr

    1944 - , Prof. of Sociology at the Jagiellonian Univ. of Kraków; Poland and visiting Prof. in the Dep. of Scoiology; Univ. of California (1991)
