Wirkungsdaten [20./21. Jh.], derzeit tätig an der Technical University of Denmark
Wirkungsdaten ca. 20./21. Jh., tätig an der Technical University of Denmark; Kgs. Lyngby; Denmark
Wirkungsdaten 2016-, Center for Music in the Brain; Department of Clinical Medicine; Aarhus University & The Royal Academy of Music Aarhus/Aalborg; Denmark
1953 - , Univ. of Warwick (1988); Univ. of Aarhus; Denmark (Amerikastudien; Amerikanische Geschichte; Kultur und Gesellschaft)
1935 - 2011, Curator of maritime archaeology and ships at the National Museum of Denmark (1962 - 2003); Honorary Doctorate from Copenhagen University
1941 - , Roskilde Univ.; Denmark (1989)
1950 - , Dept. of Math. and Computer Sci.; Inst. of Electronic Systems; Aalborg Univ.; Denmark
keine Angaben zu Lebensdaten, Post-doctoral researcher at Department of Architecture; Design and Media Technology; Aalborg; Denmark; Ph.D. degree in Information & Communication Technology from the University of Padova
1899 - , Prof. of Dermatology; The Univ. Hospital of Gentofte; Copenhagen Denmark
Wirkungsdaten 2014-, Aalborg University; Denmark; Musiktherapie