1962 - , Pianist; soloist and chamber musician; native of Seattle; Wash.; D.M.A. from Univ. of Maryland; on piano faculties of the Wilmington Music School; Delaware and West Chester Univ.; Pa.
1931 - , Erwarb seinen Doktor der Philosophy an dre Universität von Delaware; unterrichtete an der National University Mexico
keine Angaben zu Lebensdaten, Roberta Michnick Golinkoff is the Unidel H. Rodney Sharp Professor of Education; Professor of Linguistics and Cognitive Science; and Professor of Psychological and Brain Sciences at the University of Delaware
Wirkungsdaten ca. 21.Jh, tätig an der University of Delaware; Department of History im Ph.D. Program; American History; Museum Studies Program (Stand 2017)
1882 - 1975, geb. in Laurel; Delaware
Wirkungsdaten 2015-, tätig an der University of Delaware (Stand 2015)
Wirkungsdaten 2017-, tätig an der University of Delaware
Wirkungsdaten 1949, Wilmington/Delaware (Wirkungsort)
1960 - , Director of the Library Div. at the Hagley Museum and Library; Greenville; Delaware
1947 - , Head of History at Tower Hill School; Delaware; Fellow of the Royal Historical Soc.