keine Angaben zu Lebensdaten, Dr. Eva Bojner Horwitz; PhD; PhT; Reg DMT; is a cultural health researcher and specialized in psychosomatic medicine and creative arts. Dep. of Clinical Neuroscience; Karolinska Institutet; Stockholm; Sweden

Wirkungsdaten 2013-, Department of Cultural and Creative Arts; The Hong Kong Institute of Education; Tai Po; Hong Kong; China (Stand 2013)

keine Angaben zu Lebensdaten, tätig am Hong Kong Institute of Education; Cultural and Creative Arts

Wirkungsdaten 2013-, Dr.; Assistant Professor of Cultural and Creative Arts Department in The Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK); Sängerin; Chorleiterin

Wirkungsdaten 2011, Assistant Professor of the Department of Cultural and Creative Arts; Education Univ. of Hong Kong (Stand 2021)

Wirkungsdaten 2013-, Cultural and Creative Arts Department in The Hong Kong Institute of Education
