keine Angaben zu Lebensdaten, Senior assistant keeper in the Department of Coins and Medals at Fitzwilliam Museum; Univ. of Cambridge

1921 - 2001, Professor of Economics; Brandeis Univ. (1985); Russian Research Center; Harvard Univ.; Cambridge (1989)

keine Angaben zu Lebensdaten, School of East Asian Studies; Univ. Sheffield (2007); Fellow of Sidney Sussex College; Cambridge (1993) ; Univ. of Cambridge (1995)

1945 - , Tätig am Pembroke College; Univ. of Cambridge; Tätig als Acting Director am Univ. of Southern California's UK Program; Tätig als Research Associate am RIIA; European and Asia-Pacific Competition Practices

1962 - , 2003: independent economic researcher studying problems of poverty; geography; and health in developing countries; PhD in economics; MA in demography; Univ. of California; Harvard Univ.; Cambridge; Mass.

Wirkungsdaten [20./21. Jh.], tätig an der Univ. of Cambridge; UK; Musikfakultät

keine Angaben zu Lebensdaten, PhD in music psychology from Cambridge Univ.; where he also taught musicology. He worked in a variety of roles in government. In 2005; he was a special adviser at the Department of Trade and Industry; following a period working in the Labour party's policy unit. Prior to that; he was a civil servant in the Treasury.

1943 - , Dozentin für Social Anthropology an der Univ. Cambridge; Brit. Kulturanthropologin

Wirkungsdaten 2012-, tätig an der Univ. of Cambridge; UK

1949 - , Brit. Staatsangehöriger und Politikwissenschaftler. Dozent für Politik an der Univ. of Nottingham; lehrt sowjetische Politik und internationale Beziehungen an der University of Nottingham; besaß Forschungsposten an den Universitäten von Moskau; Harvard; Oxford und Cambridge (lt. Vorlage)
