- * ca. 1896 in Russlang 1
- Brooklyn 1
- Brooklyn (Wirkungsort) 1
- NY 1
- Polytechnic Univ. 1
- the City University of New York 1
- Brooklyn/New York (Wirkungsort) 1
- Indianapolis 1
- Kosal Path is an assistant professor of political science and chair of the Master's program in International Affairs and Global Justice at Brooklyn College 1
- Laut Volkszählung USA 1940 in Brooklyn wohnhaft 1
Wirkungsdaten 1940, Brooklyn/New York (Wirkungsort)
Wirkungsdaten 1938-1940, Laut Volkszählung USA 1940 in Brooklyn wohnhaft; * ca. 1896 in Russlang
Wirkungsdaten 1961-1963, Indianapolis; Brooklyn (Wirkungsort)
keine Angaben zu Lebensdaten, Kosal Path is an assistant professor of political science and chair of the Master's program in International Affairs and Global Justice at Brooklyn College; the City University of New York
Wirkungsdaten 2006-, Technical director of the Integrated Digital Media Institute; Polytechnic Univ.; Brooklyn; NY