- Brit. Beamter 1
- Brit. Beamter und Politiker 1
- Sir 1
- Wirtschaftsminister 1
- and the EC Competition Law Handbook 1
- and then moving on to become the Assistant to the Director-General for Competition. Co-author of two books on competition policy 1
- des Parlaments 1
- he spent some 12 years dealing with competition issues in the Commission 1
- inter alia being one of the team responsible for setting up the Merger Task Force 1
- now in its 13th edition. He is also author of numerous articles on EU law 1
1892 - 1981, Brit. Beamter d. ind. Kolonialverwaltung
Wirkungsdaten 1988-, Head of Unit responsible for electricity and gas issues in the Commission's Directorate-General for Energy and Transport; responsible for negotiating the new electricity and gas internal market package with the Council and Parliament. Prior to this; he spent some 12 years dealing with competition issues in the Commission; inter alia being one of the team responsible for setting up the Merger Task Force; personal advisor on competition issues to Sir Leon Brittan; then Commissioner for Competition; and then moving on to become the Assistant to the Director-General for Competition. Co-author of two books on competition policy; the EC Merger Regulation; and the EC Competition Law Handbook; now in its 13th edition. He is also author of numerous articles on EU law; Brit. Beamter
1881 - 1975, Mitglied der UN; des Parlaments; Wirtschaftsminister; Sir; Brit. Beamter und Politiker