- Brazil 2
- Brazil. His research is concentrated on applications of mathematical models of complex systems to music composition and interactive systems. His musical works and multimedia performances had been played in Brazil 1
- Europe and USA. 1
- Japan 1
- Rio Grande do Norte (Brazil) 1
- Sumitomo Bank 1
- São Paulo 1
- and Daiwa SMBC from 1987 until 2002 1
- and Spain with Lloyds Bank group from 1974 until 1987 1
1884 - , Governor; Rio Grande do Norte (Brazil)
1951 - , John Buchanan has a degree in Oriental Studies (Japanese) and a PhD in Management Studies; both from the University of Cambridge. He worked as a commercial banker in Brazil; Japan; and Spain with Lloyds Bank group from 1974 until 1987; and as an investment banker with SG Warburg; Sumitomo Bank; and Daiwa SMBC from 1987 until 2002; specialising in Japan-related mergers and acquisitions. His current main area of study is corporate governance; with particular emphasis on the impact of new governance structures in Japan and lessons from activist hedge fund interventions there
Wirkungsdaten 2006, Esola de Administraçâo da Fundaçâo; São Paulo; Brazil
1961 - , Composer and mathematician; is the research leader of the Interdisciplinary Nucleus for Sound Studies (NICS); UNICAMP; Brazil. His research is concentrated on applications of mathematical models of complex systems to music composition and interactive systems. His musical works and multimedia performances had been played in Brazil; Europe and USA.
keine Angaben zu Lebensdaten, Full Professor in the Institute of Psychology (Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul; Brazil