- Institut für Zeitgeschichte – München 15
- Bayerische Staatsbibliothek 12
- Kalliope-Verbund 12
- Historische Kommission München 7
- Akademie der Wissenschaften und Literatur Mainz 3
- Deutsches Literaturarchiv 3
- Baltische Historische Kommission 1
- Deutsches Museum 1
- Foto Marburg 1
- Leibniz-Institut für Ost- und Südosteuropaforschung – IOS Regensburg 1
- Bibliothek des Instituts für Zeitgeschichte München - Berlin 15
- Kalliope-Verbund 12
- musiconn - Für vernetzte Musikwissenschaft 12
- NDB/ADB/Index 7
- Deutsches Literaturarchiv Marbach - Kallías 3
- Historisches Lexikon der Schweiz (HLS) 3
- Katalog der MGH-Bibliothek 3
- Regesta Imperii 3
- BBLD - Baltisches biografisches Lexikon digital 1
- Digitaler Portraitindex 1
1886 – 1956, Astronom; Professor in Berkeley
1919 – 1977, Germanist; Professor der Germanistik an der University of California in Berkeley
1833 – 1916, Chemiker; Geologe; Professor der landwirtschaftlichen Chemie und Geologie in Berkeley
geboren 1930, Nationalökonom; Professor der Nationalökonomie an der University of California in Berkeley
1884 – 1974, Professor der Bakteriologie in Berkeley
1897 – 1963, Astrophysiker; Professor in Chicago, Austin und Berkeley
1917 – 2017, Astronom; Professor in Berkeley
1924 - , began his career as a correspondent for the New York Times; doctoral degrees in economics from Princeton University; master's degree from the University of California; Berkeley; served on many university faculties in the United States; including the University of California; Haverford College; Rice University and Boston University; his scholarly work seeks to bring accounting and economics closer together; an interest he applied in work with developing countries and consulting engagements with the U.S. Departments of Treasury and State and the U. S. Agency for International Development
1968 - , Ph.D.; UC Berkeley. Visiting Assistant Professor of Political Studies; Human Rights and Philosophy at Bard College since 2005. He is the academic director of the Hannah Arendt Center for Politics and Humanities.
keine Angaben zu Lebensdaten, Director of Bands an der California State University - San Bernardino; Studien und Abschlüsse an der Univ. of California (Berkeley); Univ. of Arizona; Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison