geboren 1964, Volkswirtschaftler; Chefökonom bei Schweizer Banker
1936 - , Banker; Bankkaufmann; Bäcker; Handwerker
1812 - 1890, Neuenburger Stände- und Nationalrat; sowie Banker
1951 - , John Buchanan has a degree in Oriental Studies (Japanese) and a PhD in Management Studies; both from the University of Cambridge. He worked as a commercial banker in Brazil; Japan; and Spain with Lloyds Bank group from 1974 until 1987; and as an investment banker with SG Warburg; Sumitomo Bank; and Daiwa SMBC from 1987 until 2002; specialising in Japan-related mergers and acquisitions. His current main area of study is corporate governance; with particular emphasis on the impact of new governance structures in Japan and lessons from activist hedge fund interventions there
1803 - 1880, Triest; ital. Banker; Kunstsammler
1816 - 1898, ital. Banker; Lokalpolitiker; Kunstsammler
1920 - 2014, Jurist; Banker
1922 - 1996, Jurist und Ökonom; Banker; Politiker. Präsident der Interamerikan. Entwicklungsbank
1930 - , Was an international banker and a senior executive of Bank of America
keine Angaben zu Lebensdaten, A Rhodes Scholar and a gradute of Harvard College. MBA as a Sloan Fellow at the Sloan School of Management at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Chief Executive of Oxford Analytica; the leading global analysis and advisory firm. He served at the United Nations; as a political officer in Bosnia-Herzegovina; and in the office of UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan from 1997 to 2003. He was an investment banker at Goldman Sachs; 2004-09