- Artificial Intelligence 2
- Artificial Neural Network 1
- Computer Communications (Networks) 1
- Computer and Information Systems. Research interests: Computer and information systems 1
- Data Structures 1
- Department of Creative Studies 1
- Department of Information and Computing Sciences 1
- Dept. of Artificial Intelligence 1
- Distributed Computing 1
- Engineering and Medicine 1
keine Angaben zu Lebensdaten, tätig an der Utrecht University; Department of Information and Computing Sciences; Forschungsschwerpunkte: music information retrieval; artificial intelligence; computational harmony analysis; automatic chord estimation
1980 - , 2017beschäftigt am VUB Artificial Intelligence Lab - Vrije Universiteit
Wirkungsdaten 2002-, ITB - Institut Teknologi Brunei; Computer and Information Systems. Research interests: Computer and information systems; Artificial Intelligence; Generative Art; Generative Narrative; Hypervideo; Philosophy of Artificial Intelligence.
keine Angaben zu Lebensdaten, PhD in Computational Design; University of British Columbia; Department of Creative Studies; Forschungsschwerpunkte: artificial intelligence and semantic representations of media; in the broader context of understanding creativity; creative consultant and developer
keine Angaben zu Lebensdaten, Data Mining; Artificial Intelligence; Artificial Neural Network; Computing in Mathematics; Natural Science; Engineering and Medicine; Distributed Computing; Software Engineering; Programming Languages; Data Structures; Computer Communications (Networks)
1962 - , Niederländ. Informatiker; tätig bei der Dream Group; Dept. of Artificial Intelligence; Univ. of Edinburgh