geboren 1940, Professor für Ökonomie in Harvard und Ann Arbor

1955 - , MD; vice chairman; Dept. of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery; Henry Ford Hosp.; Detroit; Mich.; clinical prof.; Univ. of Mich. Med. Sch.; Ann Arbor

1930 - , Professor für Deutsche Literatur an der University of Michigan in Ann Arbor

Wirkungsdaten [20./21. Jh.], tätig an der Electrical Engineering and Computer Science; University of Michigan; Ann Arbor; Michigan

1955 - , B.A. (1979) History; Yonsei University; Korea; M.A. (1982 ) History; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Ph.D. (1989) History; University of Michigan at Ann Arbor

Wirkungsdaten 1880, Ann Arbor (Wirkungsort)

1911 - 1989, Promotion an der University of Michigan; Ann Arbor

1980 - , Geb. in Chicago; aufgew. in Bangkok; lebt 2005 in Ann Arbor; Amerikan.-thailänd. Schriftsteller

keine Angaben zu Lebensdaten, Tätig am Dep. of Economics; Univ. of Michigan; Ann Arbor; Mich.

Wirkungsdaten 2011-, B.A. in Music; University of Pennsylvania; M.A. in Historical Musicology; Ph.D. in Musicology; University of Michigan; Ann Arbor. Interessen: Organization theory; cultural innovation; production and; consumption; institutional logics; complexity; and contradiction; nonprofit governance and strategy; particularly in the performing arts.
