- Washington 4
- DC 3
- Tätig an der American Univ. 2
- 1964 1
- 1997 Dept. of Modern Laguages 1
- 1998: Associate Prof. of Spanish and American Culture at the Univ. of Michigan. - 2003: Prof. and Dir. of the Latin American and Latino Studies Program at the Univ. of Illinois 1
- 2014 Professor of Spanish and Director of Latin American Studies at Northern Arizona University 1
- Adjunct professor (McCourt School) an der Georgetown Univ. 1
- American College of Greece 1
- American Studies Department 1
keine Angaben zu Lebensdaten, US-amerikan. Hispanistin; 1998: Associate Prof. of Spanish and American Culture at the Univ. of Michigan. - 2003: Prof. and Dir. of the Latin American and Latino Studies Program at the Univ. of Illinois; Chicago.
1945 - , Tätig an der American Univ.; Washington DC and President of the Free Africa Foundation; Tätig an der Bloomsburg Univ.; he is a native of Ghana; West Africa; Tätig an der Stanford Univ.
1953 - , Director of American Studies; Univ. of Texas; San Antonio
1953 - , Prof. für Philosophie an der American Univ. Bulgaria
Wirkungsdaten 1970-, Ass. prof.; tätig an d. School of Business and Industry; Southeastern Massachusetts Univ.; Tätig am Bang College of Business; KIMEP; Kazakhstan; Tätig an der American Univ.; Cairo; Tätig an der Univ. of the South Pacific
keine Angaben zu Lebensdaten, is Associate Professor of History and founder of the Center for Black studies at Montgomery College and Director of Research at the Nuclear Studies Institute of the American Univ. in Washington; D.C.
1967 - , PhD American Studies Amsterdam 1999; ass. prof. of media and culture; Univ. of Amsterdam
1921 - , An der Akad. der franz. Luftwaffe; dann Dozent an der American Univ.; Washington. Schwerpunkt: Internat. Wirtschaftsentwicklung; insbes. Technologietransfer.; Französ. Wirtschaftswissenschaftler
1940 - , Professor; School of Humanities and Social Sciences; Univ. of Papua New Guinea; Dep. of Geography and Planning; Univ. of New England; Australia; Dep. of Internat. Studies; American Univ. of Sharjah; United Arab Emirates
keine Angaben zu Lebensdaten, Tätig am Dep. of Economics; The American Univ.; Washington; DC; USA (1986)