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  • Bai, Elena

    Wirkungsdaten 2020; ca. 21. Jh., student at Rolla High School and plans to graduate in 2021.

  • Bastian, Alexander

    1981 - , Habilitation; Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg; 2021

  • Battenberg, Alice von

    1885 - 1969, Ehefrau von Prinz Andreas von Griechenland (1882-1944); Mutter von Prinz Philipp; Herzog von Edinburgh (1921-2021)

  • Byrne, Lorraine

    1968 - , seit Juli 2004 Leiterin des Department of Music des Mater Dei; ein College der Dublin City University; Professor of Musicology at Maynooth University; Präsidentin der Society for Musicology in Ireland (2015–2021)

  • Campbell, Iain

    Wirkungsdaten ca. 2016-, interdisciplinary researcher and has published on topics across philosophy; music; sound studies; and art theory ; postdoctoral research assistant on the project "The Future of Indeterminacy: Datification; Memory; Bio-Politics". (2021)

  • Dempsey, Erin

    Wirkungsdaten [21. Jh.], PhD-Studentin an der Univ. of Ottawa; School of Music. (Stand 2021)

  • Dreckmann-Nielen, Meike

    1989 - , Dissertation; Freie Universität Berlin; Fachbereich Geschichts- und Kulturwissenschaften; 2021

  • Guan, Tao

    Wirkungsdaten 2021, PhD Candidate an der Education Univ. of Hong Kong (Stand 2021)

  • Humphreys, David

    Wirkungsdaten 2021, School of Computer Science and Informatics; Cardiff University; Cardiff; UK; Teaching Associate (Stand 2021)

  • Itō, Tatsuhiko

    Wirkungsdaten ca. 20./21. Jh., Professor Emeritus; International Christian University; and Project Professor; Faculty of International Liberal Arts; Juntendo University; Tokyo; Japan; current President of RILM Japan and former President of IAML Japan (Stand 2021)
