- (USSR) 1
- Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Jamtland since 1995 1
- Swedish National Radio’s foreign correspondent to Moscow 1
- Vienna (Austria) 1
- and Warsaw (Poland) 1
- former president of the Svenska Filmakademin 1
- gründete 1958 das Laboratory of Biophysics and Isotopes at the Academy of Sciences of BSSR und leitete es bis 1985 1
- Korrespondierendes Mitglied der Academy of Sciences of USSR 1
- Swedish author and radio/print journalist 1
1945 - 2016, Swedish author and radio/print journalist; Swedish National Radio’s foreign correspondent to Moscow; (USSR); Vienna (Austria); and Warsaw (Poland); Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Jamtland since 1995; former president of the Svenska Filmakademin
keine Angaben zu Lebensdaten, Korrespondierendes Mitglied der Academy of Sciences of USSR; gründete 1958 das Laboratory of Biophysics and Isotopes at the Academy of Sciences of BSSR und leitete es bis 1985