Dates of Life
Wirkungsdaten [15 Jh.]
Authority Data
GND: 140910115 | OGND | VIAF: 107880224
Alternate Names
  • Christoph, von Stein vom Diemantstein zu Trochtelfingen
  • Diemantstein zu Trochtelfingen, Christoph Stein vom
  • Stein vom Diemantstein zu Trochtelfingen, Christoph von
  • more


Outbound Links from this Person

Personen in der GND - familiäre Beziehungen

The links to other persons were taken from the printed Index of NDB and ADB and additionally extracted by computational analysis and identification. The articles are linked in full-text version where possible. Otherwise the digital image is linked instead.


Christoph, von Stein vom Diemantstein zu Trochtelfingen, Index entry in: Deutsche Biographie, [19.10.2024].